By Nick Banister, MBA '19 After months of preparation beginning well before classes even started, I was determined and ready to land a brand management internship at the upcoming National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) Conference in Philadelphia. I wasn’t 100% sold on marketing or brand management, but I knew that this conference was my best opportunity to get a foot in that door. While I didn’t have much success with the pre-scheduled interviews, I was confident that I could secure at least one on the career fair floor. On the first day of the conference, I worked my way through my list of target companies doing my best to pitch myself as a competent, emerging Brand Manager. On several occasions I was close to earning a spot on the interview schedule, but my non-marketing background seemed to be a major turnoff to most employers. With a background in supply chain management, I realized attempting to transition into a marketing-focused career would be difficult, and corpor...